Dames Drinks
and Drawing
Cherry Flambé and Minky Charlton, of local burlesque troupe Bliss Bombs, and a seasonal special guest, will be modelling for you in all their colourful cabaret costuming; corsets, feathers and all manner of finery! The venue drips with history and atmosphere and this is sure to be an evening to tell your friends about. Bring them along next time!
The sessions will loosely follow a life drawing class format with quicker poses to begin with, then longer poses to finish. Breaks will allow you to nip through the beer garden to the bar to buy tipples of your choice.
Located in the Guildford Music Hall, part of the Guildford Family Hotel. Guildford is a small town 10 minutes south of Castlemaine and 20 mins north of Daylesford in regional Victoria.